Uninsurable for Long Term Care Insurance?
What if you cannot health qualify for long term care insurance?.
Not everyone can health-qualify for long term care insurance.
If you respond yes to any of the below conditions you may not be eligible to apply for long term care insurance but may be able to get Home Care only coverage.
We have had clients with mild Parkinson's, strokes, and other uninsuralbe conditions sign up for this plan.
As long as you are not needing care, that is you can live independently, you may be able to purchase this plan.
To get more information on the home care only plan, call us or fill out the online Quote Request. |
Download common uninsurable health conditions and medications pdf.
Partial list of uninsurable conditions:
- ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Dementia
- Diabetes under treatment with insulin
- Diabetes Type II and heart problems
- Frequent or persistent forgetfulness
- Memory loss
- Metastatic cancer (spread from original site/location)
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Muscular dystrophy
- Organic brain syndrome
- Parkinson's disease
- Senility
- Stroke
- Transient Ischemic Attach (TIA) within the past 5 years
- TIA in combination with diabetes or heart surgery
- TIA two or more times
- Do you use a walker or wheelchair; oxygen; respirator; or kidney dialysis; or need assistance or supervision by another person performing any of the following: moving in/out of bed or chair; bathing; eating; toileting; bowel/bladder control; walking.
- In the past 6 months have you had: open heart surgery; back or spine
Long Term Care is a family affair.
The majority of caregivers are family members.